Ceiling heating?
But heat rises!
Heat travels in 3 ways:
- Conduction – we all know what happens when you put a cold metal spoon in a hot cup of tea, the whole spoon gets hot,
- Convection – hot air rising, or more properly cold air falling.
- Radiation – anything hotter than its surroundings will radiate heat to its surroundings in every direction.
A modern electric ceiling heating system works by using the ceiling as a low temperature large surface area radiator. This allows it to gently warm the surfaces of the room, and then the air within the room, using primarily radiant heat rather than heating the air directly like more conventional heating systems. This gentle, natural heat provides superior levels of comfort at a lower air temperature. The importance of the radiant effect can be shown by the difference in apparent temperature between standing in the sun or the shade on a cool spring day.

Installation of heat-reflecting material

Installation 70% - 80% of the ceiling area

Preparation for Installation of heating film

Installing сonnectors and joining the heating film lines

Installation of heating film